I am currently living in the beautiful Netherlands, working as assistant professor in AI for decision making in the Information Systems group at Eindhoven University of Technology. Before, I worked as researcher in the Intelligent and Autonomous Systems group at CWI Amsterdam, as research associate for artificial intelligence and data analytics at Digital Creativity Labs in York, England, and as research fellow in artificial intelligence in the Advanced Concepts Team of the European Space Agency in Noordwijk, Netherlands.


I did my Ph.D. in the Games and AI group at the Department of Knowledge Engineering, Maastricht University. My topic was planning and search—the search for an optimal strategy in a given problem, or just for a good next action to take. I used games as model problems. Application areas are both adversarial and collaborative scenarios with several agents, as well as optimization problems with a single agent. You can find my CV here:



hendrik baier academic cv 2024-07-08.pdf
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